The Briefing

The Briefing

"Rangers," said Dana, "it's time for a meeting!"

All five rangers came to the battle room.

"Hello, rangers," said Capt. Mitchell, "it's always good to see you! Let's get started!"

"We'll start with our enemies. King Zorrid and Queen Zebah are the heads of the Dark Empire. Beware! They can be dangerous. They have three warriors. They are Deptor, Devo, and Voltor. They have Garatrons, which are their infantry. They also have Aerotrons who are their air force. They also have the Stormtrons who are a miniature squad piloting tanks," said Capt. Mitchell.

Dana gave them what looked like cell phones.

"What are these?" asked Farah.

"These are your morphing devices. They are not only morphing devices, but they tell time, teleport, communicate, morph, and call zords," said Dana.

"You also have weapons," said Capt. Mitchell, "Alex has a tomahawk; Duane has a sword; Jim has a cannon. Farah has a boomerang. Anna has a sonic blaster. When you put them together, you form the E-Blaster," said Ms. Fairweather.

"Now, you also have zords," said Capt. Mitchell, "Anna has the ambulance. Farah has the hovercraft. Jim has the shuttle. Duane has the police cruiser. Alex has the fire tamer. Together, these zords form the Emergency Megazord. Basically, these zords are called E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, and E-5."

"Each of you has a blaster and a short sword," said Dana, "are there any questions or comments?"

They said nothing. They all agreed to becoming rangers.

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