Choosing Rangers

The Aerotrons have started another fire. The firefighters went to put it out. One of the firefighters was Alex Randolph. Suddenly, Dana came to the scene because she remembered Alex from the recreational center.

"Alex," said Dana, "I need to talk with you!"

"What do you need?" asked Alex.

"How would you like to become a Power Ranger?" asked Dana.

"Gladly!" said Alex, "what do I do?"

"Two teleporting to the Power Chamber!" said Dana.

Dana knew that their base was not much, but it was reasonable.

Duane was busy taking tickets until Dana came to him because she observed his excellent police work.

"Duane Williams," said Dana, "your job is to serve and protect, right?"

"Uh, yeah!" said Duane.

"How would you really like to do it as a Power Ranger?" asked Dana.

"Why, sure!" said Duane, "what do I do?"

"Two coming aboard!" said Dana.

Dana and Duane came to the base. They knew it wasn't much but adequate.

"You know that we may need to rescue people in space," said Ms. Fairweather, "go after former Airman Jim Coles!

Dana went to the house where Jim resided. She knocked on the door.

"Jim," said Dana, "how would you like to use your skills as a Power Ranger?"

"That sounds good to me," said Jim.

"Two coming aboard!" said Dana.

They weren't impressed with the base but it was adequate.

"I have already talked to the paramedic ranger," said Ms. Fairweather, "she is willing to join. Her name is Farah Collins. Trust me, she is a good one."

Dana went to Mariner Bay and found a helicopter operater named Farah Collins. She decided to join.

"Rangers, it is best that you become well-acquainted with each other because each of you are going to be teammates. Alex, you are the team captain. We will have a briefing soon."

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