The Doctor's Advice

The school day at Reefside was almost done. The school bell sounded and the students headed for the exit with their books and backpacks. Capt. Mitchell, Ms. Fairweather, and Dana went inside of Reefside. A receptionist welcomed them.

"May I help you?" asked the receptionist.

"Yes," said Capt. Mitchell, "we're looking for Dr. Tommy Oliver. It is important!"

"I'll see what I can do!" said the receptionist.

The receptionist paged him and he came right away.

"Hi!" said Tommy, "what do you need?"

"Let's go to a more private area," said Ms. Fairweather.

"What's going on?" asked Tommy.

"We are trying to start a Power Rangers team a.k.a. Lightspeed Max and we need a base on Earth. Can you help us?" asked Capt. Mitchell.

"Sure!" said Tommy, "I'll get in my car and I want you to follow me!"

Tommy drove in front of the three people and they were found at his house. He invited him in and took them to his basement. They were astonished by the lair in his basement.

"This is nice," said Dana, "we can't have it, though!"

"You know," said Tommy, "the old Power Ranger Zeo zord base can be converted into a base. What do you think?"

"Let's look at it!" said Capt. Mitchell.

Tommy teleported them to the Zeo Zord hangar.

"This might work," said Ms. Fairweather, "it could use some work on some of the hangar but we can use it!"

"Yes," said Capt. Mitchell, "we'll take it!"

They took the Zord Holding Bay.

"The basement of the former Power Chamber is intact; you can use it, also!"

"Thanks, for everything!" said Tommy.

"We can repair the top floor," said Dana.

"Yeah," said Ms. Fairweather.

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