Touching Base

"Bill" said Ms. Fairweather, "I don't feel that this base is safe and the zords are safe where they are!"

"I kind of agree with you," said Capt. Mitchell, "but what can we do about it?"

"Well, King Zorrid does want to conquer the universe so we probably need to be in a place where we can help the universe, but right now, he is focusing on the Earth."

"Yes, that's true," said Ms. Fairweather, "this base has been destroyed at least twice and I don't want it to be a third."

"You have a point there," said Capt. Mitchell, "maybe we need to do something about this. Maybe a huge mobile base which has a Megazord mode. Can you get to work on it today?"

"Yes, I can!" said Miss Fairweather, "it sounded take that long. I need to use the Morphing Grid and it will take me only 30 minutes."

"Great!" said Dana, "I can't wait!"

Eight hours has passed and the mobile base was right outside the Command Center. Everyone was happy with it and the construction engineers had put it well together. They were happy with the job. Many people who lived in Mariner Bay worked on this project because the Mariner Bay government paid them well.

"I like it!" said Ms. Fairweather in tears.

"The base had a computer system called C.O.M.P., which was more advanced than DECA. The zords were stored there also.

"Everything is fine," said Ms. Fairweather, "but since this is a massive ship and has a Megazord mode, I would like an experienced ranger to be in charge of this ship."

"How about that guy whom they wrote stories about?" said Dana, "you know, the veteran!"

"Good idea," said Capt. Mitchell, "Ms. Fairweather and I will talk to him at once!"

Reefside was dismissing students for the day. The couple walked in the school and the receptionist greeted them.

"Can I help you?" said the receptionist.

"We're looking for Tommy Oliver," said Ms. Fairweather, "it's important!"

"I will see what I can do!" said the receptionist.

Tommy came right away.

"Hi!" said Tommy, "what do you need?"

"You!" said Dana, "we were wondering if you would like to be a Power Ranger again!"

"Sure!" said Tommy, "just give me the details!"

"You will control a ship and commandeer the team. It is much like you were doing as the black ranger and you will be the black ranger again! You have a long staff in the hands which shoots fire, ice, lightning, and sounds," said Ms. Fairweather.

"I'm in," said Tommy.

"Welcome aboard," said Ms. Fairweather, "if you need anything, just ask!"

"Thanks," said Tommy.

They were all smiles.

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