Duane's Police Training

The rangers were doing their regular activities and then Blue Senturion showed up.

"Blue Senturion?" asked Capt. Mitchell, "what is your need?"

"I am here to train Duane in police training," said Blue Senturion.

"I'll get him right away," said Dana.

Dana went to get Duane. Duane and Dana came right away.

"What's going on?" asked Duane.

"This is Blue Senturion," said Capt. Mitchell, "he is here to give you police training. Is that okay with you?"

"Just as long as it is not like boot camp!" said Duane.

"It's not," said Blue Senturion, "in fact, it will not tack very long!"

"Alright," said Duane, "that's fine with me!"

Blue Senturion gave Duane a badge. He showed him what the green, yellow, and red lights do. He also gave him an intergalactic police car. He gave him a pair of containment handcuffs. The badge is a blaster, sword, and badge. The red light freezes people. The yellow light is a warning beacon. The green light unfreezes people.

Blue Senturion training was over.

"That's it?" asked Duane.

"Yes, that's it!" said Blue Senturion, "you basically know everything about being an intergalactic patrol officer. Good luck!"

Blue Senturion teleported out.

"I still feel short," said Duane.

"He gave you something!" said Anna.

"Yeah," said Duane, "that's true!"

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