Leftover Machines

Prince Gasket and Princess Archerina were the only two machines left of the Machine Empire.

"Where are the rest of the Machine Empire?" asked Archerina.

"They were destroyed or solidified, dear," said Gasket, "but Angel Grove will still have to deal with us!"

At the base...

"The Emergency Zords are fully repaired and online," said Ms. Fairweather, "now, you can combine forces and form the Chief Emergency Megazord. It is super fast with a sword."

"You guys are the best!" said Farah.

Suddenly, the base alarm began to sound. Gasket and Archerina began attacking Angel Grove.

"Alright, rangers," said Alex, "duty calls!"

The rangers morphed and went to fight the two machines. At first, the two machines blasted them with lasers. The rangers took a tumble. Anna took her sonic blaster and the two machines were disrupted. Jim and Duane came at them with their short swords and hit them multiple times because the two machines could not focus. Farah hit them with her boomerang. The two machine fell to the ground. The rangers formed the X-Blaster. They finished the two machines for good. There were no more traces of the Machine Empire.

The rangers celebrated. King Zorrid was angry.

"Can't anyone stop these guys?" asked King Zorrid.

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