The Emergency Megazord

Emergency Megazord

ambulance--white-left leg--E-1
shuttle--green-right leg--E-3
fire tamer--red-body--E-5
police cruiser--blue--arms--E-4

These form the Emergency Megazord. They shoot guns and missiles. Their weapon is a drill sword.

Chief Emergency Megazord

This is the combination of the Chief Zord and the Emergency Megazord. It has all of the powers combined. It is faster than the other two Megazords. It also flies faster. Its weapon is the long axe.

Stellar Megazord

Two destroyers and a cruiser zord. Full of weapons. Zord belongs to the silver ranger. When combined with the Emergency Megazord, it becomes the Star Emergency Megazord.

Mission Megazord

The combination of the Combat Megazord and the Emergency Megazord--full of weapons, capable of light

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